Girl Brain explained.. part 2

So I have realized something very important about human nature.. we are all kinda stupid when it comes to attraction. It would seem we are all most attracted to those who are less attracted to us. Not sure why we were programmed this way.. it makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.. and in the case of girl brain it also makes us somewhat neurotic and otherwise unbalanced. The most sane, logical and well adjusted women I know suddenly become self conscious, neurotic, paranoid and self doubting when they are attracted to someone. This is where the “crazy” comes in.. You see we have major gut instincts as women.. so when our gut is telling us one thing but the guy we are crushing on is telling us something different, we are literally hearing voices in our heads.. because on one hand we REALLY want to believe what the guy is telling us since it’s always gonna sound better than the truth (guys are cowards and are NOT good at just being brutally honest) but yet our guts are busy screaming at us that we know better and are being delusional if we choose to believe what we are hearing from the guy. We still tend to go with whatever crap line the guy is feeding us though 9 times out of 10 in hopes that our gut is wrong or just being paranoid.. ALWAYS TRUST YOUR GUT!! IT DOES NOT LIE.. men however do.

Not to say women aren’t also guilty of this. I get to witness first hand how girls are with my best guy friends and my roommate. The funniest part to me though and this seems to be the case with more or less every guy I know.. guys seem to “like” the girls that treat them like shit (aka aren’t actually interested but stringing them along for now) and think that the girls who actually like them are “crazy” because these girls god forbid want to spend time with them and talk to them and give a crap what’s going on in their lives. This entertains me all the time. I just laugh at the male friends in my life because they all do it. Inevitably they all send me screenshots of text conversations they are having with a girl telling me “see!! she’s crazy” and when I read the portion of conversation they have chosen to share with me I ALWAYS ask to see what they said leading up to it.. and NO fail they have ALWAYS said or done something stupid or lied or have been very dishonest about their feelings therefore causing these poor girls to come off as “crazy” because these girls’ guts are telling them one thing and the guy is telling them something else. It is this male “stupid” that causes our female “crazy”. So the best and first piece of advice I always give to men I meet is that if you don’t want the “crazy” to come out, then be 100% brutally honest at all times. I will GUARANTEE to you men that if you straight up tell a girl you just are not into her that she will thank you for your honesty and move on.. IF you however decide to “be the nice guy” and either just drag it out slowly trying to stop replying or just being distant but not actually admitting the truth that you aren’t interested, then you will get “crazy” neurotic behavior in return because our brains are fighting internally about what the reality of the situation is and we REALLY just want you to tell us and put us out of our suffering. It is no secret that as women we generally over analyze and over think most things but it would seriously help EVERYONE if we were just told the straight up ugly truth from the get go. Then there isn’t anything for us to analyze. It would truly save us all from a lot of wasted time, effort, texts and energy.. not to mention the embarrassment and shame we women feel when we know damn well we are acting neurotic and “crazy” but can’t stop ourselves because deep down we know you aren’t being honest.

I know personally I HATE the way I act when I like someone. I can actually watch myself act like a moron and I can’t stop it. It’s like a car wreck that you know is going to happen but you can’t quite hit the brakes on time and are too busy watching it in awe to even realize til it’s too late and the damage is done. This is why I like to have lots of male friends. for one because they will always tell me if i am being stupid about a guy and what the guy is probably “actually” doing/meaning when he gives me an excuse for something.  If I am not attracted to a guy he will like me sooo much more because I actually act like myself and not some strange contorted version of me. I keep hoping that eventually if I meet someone who is as attracted and head over heels for me as I am for them (beginning to think that’s a fairy tale) that this “crazy” won’t kick in because my gut won’t be telling me that they aren’t interested. Because that is what does it… If I can tell deep down the guy I like isn’t all that interested in me then I get paranoid and start acting like it. It’s awful!! I’d be scared of me too! Sooo please to all you men out there.. it’s better to be mean for 5 secs over text and tell us you aren’t interested than it is to just ignore us and hope that we will go away.

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