The perks of being single

It’s a new year and time I start trying to write some entries on here again. I’m still happily single and dating non committally. I have seen a few guys over the past few months but only recently started actively … Continue reading

Matched by postal code not points of compatibility ..

So I forgot one of my main points in my last entry about the first time I created an online dating account. I mentioned how it immediately matched me to my ex’s friend but forgot the most important parts of that. You see the friend was pretty much the last guy on earth and I mean that quite literally, that I’d EVER date and pretty well the opposite of everything I said I wanted when I spent the hour filling out the questionnaire and profile. So not only did I think it was an extreme coincidence that he was matched to me as my ex was out drinking beers with him, but I couldn’t figure WHY???

Well since then and after trying 6 different sites later, I now know the ‘matching’ is actually based on postal codes.. So because we were both living in a smaller town, it matched us up even though my profile said I’d like to look within a 200 mile radius of where I lived.

So my first suggestion to anyone considering signing up for online dating.. don’t waste your time trying to answer the questions accurately. I now just click random answers for all of the questions to get it done faster and the resulting ‘matches’ are always the same.